Elected officials, staff, citizens, don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Other ogranizations have already done the research and work on how a functioning city is supposed to operate, the role of council, mayor, and staff. Created best practices and documents to use as a road map.
American City & County: A tool for elected officials, providing news, government trends, policy alternatives and operational solutions.
Government Finance Officers Association: whose mission is to promote state and local government financial management. They share best practices, publicantions, and other reseasrch.
Healthier Mississippi: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthier Mississippi provides grants and targeted funding to those focusing on health and wellness initiatives.
International City Management Association: the leading organization of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world.
Kaboom: Amplifies the power of communities to build inspiring playspaces that spark unlimited opportunities for every kid, everywhere.
Mississippi Municipal League: Serve cities through legislative advocacy, optional benefits programs, training, and educational opportunities, and multiple publications.
National Civic League: Advance civic engagements and to create thriving communities.https:
Smart Cities Dive: Provides insight into news and trends shaping cities and municipalities. Cover topics such as transportation, building & infrastructure, governance, tech & data.
Stennis Institute: Provides quality service, training, and research.